Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Background Actor!

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The definition of a background actor:

The life of a background actor is.... complicated. There is a lot of good but sadly there is some bad too. I personally love to act so I love it more than I hate it. So let’s start with the good!


  • You will meet some of the most interesting people ever! Everyone comes from a different background and is so very different but, we all can connect with one another through acting.I was a college student on #chicagopd

  • Excitement! For one day you to get to be someone else! Depending on your character you may be put in a costume or you will be sent to hair and make-up! As background talent you are told nothing so it's always an adventure! I played a nurse on #chicagomed

  • Food!! OMG!  The food! You will love the food! One thing about working on a union production is, they feed their actors well! Most gigs will run long hours. You will be offered breakfast if it's a early call,  lunch and dinner. Definitely a pro!

Now for the bad things! 


  • You are invisible! You definitely have to go on set with your pride stuffed in your back pocket! If you thought you were an actor, guess what,  you are not anymore! You are "a body" , "a space filler", "background talent "

  • You are invisible!  You will work with the same crew members for 10 days in a row and they still, will not know nor care to know your name! The "Actors" go out of their way NOT to speak to you! You could be in scene that causes you to be so close that you can see the hairs in his/her nose and they won't say a word. Per contract you are not allowed to speak to them. However, if they do chose to speak to you, you BETTER speak back! LoL 

  • Pay is crappy! In general you will get paid  $88 for 8 hours! Crazy right!? But if you are what's call a "featured extra" they will bump you up to $150 for 8 hours.

  • Long, very Long hours! You rarely work a 8 hour shift. The minimum is usually 10 hours! The longest I've worked is 16 hours! Imagine having to stand outside in the cold for 15-16 hours or dance in heels for 15-16 hours! Not fun!!

So that's it , the Good the Bad and the Ugly of "The Background Actor" hope you enjoyed it! I will leave you with a few pics of the actors I have worked with before.#thelifeofnitab


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Patience! I'm not sure I could do all of that. Takes patience and passion. Who have you met so far? Follow your dreams 😊

  3. Great insight! The pros and cons are very helpful. It shows that it’s not all just glamorous.
