Thursday, March 22, 2018

 Women’s History Month: The Women Who Influence Me!

     Being that it is Women's History Month I felt it was only right to write a post about....WOMEN!!

          I'm an entertainer and in this industry women can be very mean to one another. There is more pulling down then there is pulling up. I think we as women just need to take a step back and remember, we once looked up to another woman at some point in life. Today, I like to talk about the women who have influenced me the most!

My Grandmother. She is number 1 on my list today. My grandmother is one of the strongest women I know. She lived through segregation and racism and was still able to be the best mom and wife she could be. She is the definition of a hustler. When there was "no way" she found a "way". She raised her children and her grandchildren. Way to go Grandma, we love ya!Grandma in the middle surrounded by all her family! 

Carole :  Carole is my aunt (mom) and she raised me. She seriously taught me EVERYTHING! I mean from applying lotion on my legs to how to sort the laundry! She was there for my first heart break and the day I graduated college. Anything I needed to know about life she had the answer! She's also, Extremely smart! She graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science! She ran a household (four daughters and husband btw) and had a full time job as a Computer Engineer! She is definitely a major influence in my life!Carole surrounded by all her girls! The little one is my daughter. 

 Xavia: Xavia is my older cousin but she played the role as my big sister growing up! I just thought she was the coolest. I loved how she dressed, did her hair, and wore her make up. I just loved everything about her. She showed me what true strength really looked like. She raised two children on her own and still managed to graduate college, buy her own house and car! She makes it all look so easy! Now that I'm an adult and I have a child of my own, I know it was not easy! She too has influenced me a great deal!Cux 'X' is on the left. Her daughter on the right.

Taraji P. Henson: I'm an actress soooo, you knew I was gonna have at least one actress on my list...right? lol If you are not familiar with who she is, Taraji P. Henson is a famous American actress. She influences me because of her story of success. She went to California with  $700 in her pocket, a toddler, and a dream! Lots of people thought she was crazy and all she heard was tons of negativity. She was told that she was too old to make it as an actress.   (26 at the time) She is 47 now and her career is just getting started...that motivates me! She is very talented; that was never the question, she just had to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with her! Although I have never met this woman she influences me as an actress. Taraji P. Henson

          Those are the top four women that influence me but there are way more! I am a College Graduate, Mother, Teacher, Actress, Model, and Blogger! A fellow blogger once asked me “how do you do it all, what’s your secret?" The answer to that question is simple....I have really good role models! Thank you to all the amazing women who have helped mold me into the woman I am today! Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what women influence you!
Happy Women's History Month!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

The Background Actor!

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The definition of a background actor:

The life of a background actor is.... complicated. There is a lot of good but sadly there is some bad too. I personally love to act so I love it more than I hate it. So let’s start with the good!


  • You will meet some of the most interesting people ever! Everyone comes from a different background and is so very different but, we all can connect with one another through acting.I was a college student on #chicagopd

  • Excitement! For one day you to get to be someone else! Depending on your character you may be put in a costume or you will be sent to hair and make-up! As background talent you are told nothing so it's always an adventure! I played a nurse on #chicagomed

  • Food!! OMG!  The food! You will love the food! One thing about working on a union production is, they feed their actors well! Most gigs will run long hours. You will be offered breakfast if it's a early call,  lunch and dinner. Definitely a pro!

Now for the bad things! 


  • You are invisible! You definitely have to go on set with your pride stuffed in your back pocket! If you thought you were an actor, guess what,  you are not anymore! You are "a body" , "a space filler", "background talent "

  • You are invisible!  You will work with the same crew members for 10 days in a row and they still, will not know nor care to know your name! The "Actors" go out of their way NOT to speak to you! You could be in scene that causes you to be so close that you can see the hairs in his/her nose and they won't say a word. Per contract you are not allowed to speak to them. However, if they do chose to speak to you, you BETTER speak back! LoL 

  • Pay is crappy! In general you will get paid  $88 for 8 hours! Crazy right!? But if you are what's call a "featured extra" they will bump you up to $150 for 8 hours.

  • Long, very Long hours! You rarely work a 8 hour shift. The minimum is usually 10 hours! The longest I've worked is 16 hours! Imagine having to stand outside in the cold for 15-16 hours or dance in heels for 15-16 hours! Not fun!!

So that's it , the Good the Bad and the Ugly of "The Background Actor" hope you enjoyed it! I will leave you with a few pics of the actors I have worked with before.#thelifeofnitab

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What's On My IPHONEX??

YAY!! I’m back! hopefully life will allow me to stay awhile this time! So much as happened since the last time I blogged! It will take forever to catch you all up on everything sooooo, we will just start from today!

Today's post is entitled " What's on my IphoneX"

This topic has been trending on YouTube for a while so I thought I'd make my first post back about it as well.

So I have been team #Iphone for a while now...I started with the 8, then the 8 plus, and now the 10! The only reason I even switched over from android was for business reasons. I was OK with the 8 plus, no complaints, but I didn't love it either. I'm really big with customizing my phones and phone cases and Apple just does not allow you to be as creative as I'd like to be with my phone. however, I figured just because I couldn't put Hello Kitty on my text background, that wasn't enough of a reason not to like a phone. LOL so I stayed with it.

           Then the IphoneX came out, I thought, well I had the 8 plus, how hard could it be? Boy was I wrong! The fact that this phone has no home button really threw me for a loop! everything about this phone was completely different than what I was use to. You don't realize how much you use your home button until you don't have one. I legit felt like the grandma who just got a new phone too high tech for her to use! SMH.... I hated it! I couldn't close apps, I couldn't open apps, hell I barely could turn the damn thing on....IT HAD TO GO! I marched right back down to Sprint, sled it across the counter and said " give me the Note 8"!!

        The sales person story changed up on me real quick! Originally when I bought the phone they told me I had 14 days to return it if I didn't like it, well it was 3 days after I bought the phone and I was more than ready to give this phone back to them! The fine print was you can bring it back but there will be a re-stocking and re-activation fee!! Um...What?! All together to exchange that phone and get another one I was gonna have to pay and additional $100! thank you! Soo, I still have an IphoneX!

          It took me about two full nights on YouTube, trying to learn  how to customize my Iphone with out jail-breaking it! I still have so much I want to do to it but I can show you what I have so far! First of all...Wallpaper is every thing! I literally typed " girly wallpaper" in the app store and this came up! The app is called " girly wallpaper" and this what the icon looks like.

I liked that app  lot and it was really hard to pick just one but  I did eventually! My current lock screen I got from this app.

so pretty! Next, I stumbled across an app that allowed me to customize all my icons on my phone. I get a lot of compliments about it all the time when people see it, so I thought I'd share it with others! The app is called "CocoPPa".      You might need to watch a YouTube video on how to use it if you are not Iphone savvy like myself. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it though. These are a few of my pink icons.....
and I'm sure you noticed I have a different wall paper under my apps. I found her picture on Pinterest (one of my fave apps) I liked her because she kinda looks like me! :) and I love her locs, even the same color as mine!
she's cute!!
Lastly, lets talk about my case. Like I said before, I like everything about my phone to be personal to me. My phone case has a moon on it. My zodiac sign is "cancer" also know as the "Moon Child". I won't go to deep into that for now in this blog. Anyways here is my phone ... I bought my phone case from Claire's in the mall for $15!
Well that's "What's on my IphoneX" Hope you all enjoyed my first blog out of retirement and I look forward to writing many more!